Walk into any modern-day operating room and the landscape is widely universal: trays full of gleaming stainless steel, a non-descript operating table, a dark room with one big light beaming down overhead.

Due to fluorescent image-guided surgery, darkness in the operating room has been a necessity for the medical community… until now.

OnLume, a Madison-based medical device company, has developed imaging technology that relieves the need for dim lighting in the operating room without sacrificing image quality during FIGS procedures. The company was profiled as part of a new business series done this fall by UW-Madison students.

Fluorescent image-guided surgery is a process that uses fluorescence drugs to illuminate specific structures at a surgical site in real time. Using a camera and lighting, surgeons watch imaging on a screen to differentiate tissues, identify damaged cells and to assess tissue function.

This process produces high resolution, low-cost and minimally invasive procedures. Its drawbacks, however, lie in low imaging penetration capabilities due to interference from wavelengths in the visible spectrum – in other words, light. Read the full story here.