Add your voice to the conversation, as business and community leaders, academics, economic development professionals and others gather Sept. 20-21 in Appleton at the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC’s) first economic summit.

“WEDC’s mission is to help each Wisconsin resident achieve economic well-being, however they define it,” said Missy Hughes, WEDC secretary and CEO. “We know that healthy economies and thriving communities are about much more than creating jobs. It’s about creating opportunities for learning and career growth, having safe and affordable places to live, a clean environment to enjoy and really creating the kinds of communities where everyone wants to live.”

The Wisconsin Economic Summit will highlight Wisconsin’s successes in creating livable communities and supporting businesses both big and small – including the more than 5,200 Main Street Bounceback grant recipients in all 72 of Wisconsin’s counties. The discussion will also look at challenges facing Wisconsin such as meeting the workforce needs of the future, clean energy and business competitiveness and possible ways to meet those challenges.

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