The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is now enrolling women across Northeast Wisconsin for two new leadership programsavailable through the Institute for Women’s Leadership. The programs begin in September and are designed to meet the region’s ongoing need to strengthen the women’s leadership pipeline.

The Institute for Women’s Leadership, launched in 2021, is working to advance women both personally and professionally at all stages of their careers through education, inspiration and networking opportunities and in turn create a strong and equitable regional workforce. The programs address experience or training gaps of middle and high-level woman managers who are preparing to take the next steps in their careers.

“The Institute is a comprehensive leadership resource providing the unique support women need to advance and rise in their careers,” said Janet Bonkowski, Executive Director of the Institute for Women’s Leadership. “These programs have what middle and high-level managers need to take the next step and cover meaningful workplace topics like Executive Presence, Authentic Leadership, Negotiation and Confidence, Strategic Planning and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and more.”

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