Estrigenix Therapeutics, Inc., a Wisconsin-based, privately held pharmaceutical company leading the way in estrogen biology, has been awarded a $300,000 National Institute of Health (NIH) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant. The one-year grant provides funds to support pre-clinical studies on one of Estrigenix’s lead compounds to reduce women’s suffering from the symptoms of menopause and lessen chances for dementia later in a woman’s life.

“This grant from NIH is an important milestone in Estrigenix’s commitment to developing safe and effective treatments that address the negative symptoms experienced by menopausal women without exposing them to increased risks associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy,” explained William Donaldson, Ph.D., chief executive officer (CEO) and co-founder of Estrigenix. “It’s exciting to see our research acknowledged and validated by such a renowned national organization that is committed to our efforts in helping women as they age.”

Studies have shown that as women age, they experience a decrease in estrogen production which can contribute to menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disruption, memory dysfunction, anxiety and depression. Many traditional hormone replacement therapies (HRT) address those symptoms, but also come with associated risks for breast cancer and blood clots that can lead to a stroke. Due to these risks, some women avoid taking estrogen all together and suffer through these symptoms.

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