“2023 Taking the Pulse: How Quality Health Care Builds a Better Economy” references findings from a variety of sources to support this notion. It includes figures from the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ranking Wisconsin among the country’s top quartile states based on 2016-2021 data.

It also shows Wisconsin health care performs better than the U.S. average on metrics including mortality from potentially preventable diseases such as diabetes, Medicare readmissions and length of hospital stays.

And the Tech Council notes the state “stacks up moderately well” compared to other states for measures of health care access, citing findings from The Commonwealth Fund on adults foregoing care due to cost, dental visits, children getting care and more.

Meanwhile, the report draws on a Forbes Advisor analysis of Kaiser Family Foundation data comparing average health care costs across the country. While the national average was above $10,000 per person, Wisconsin was ranked 8th-least expensive with a per-capita rate of $9,626 per person.

Plus, the state’s health care cost increases were among the six lowest in the country based on figures from the past five years, according to the report.

“While COVID refuses to disappear, the same kind of quality that helped weather the pandemic continues to benefit the Wisconsin economy,” report authors wrote. “Health care systems are continuing to innovate, to compete for talented staff, becoming more efficient, and offering cutting-edge solutions for patients and the communities they serve.”

See the full report here: https://wisconsintechnologycouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Taking-The-Pulse-2023-FINAL.pdf