In March 2023, the Tech Council released “Taking the Pulse,” a report that noted Wisconsin ranked in the nation’s top quartile for health-care quality (12 states) and in the middle of a seven-state region for mean inpatient charges. Learn more by clicking here.

Wisconsin hospitals’ health care quality tops the national average and have the fourth-most five-star rated hospitals in the country, according to the recently released Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The ratings reflect 46 measures across five categories of quality: mortality; safety of care; readmissions; patient experience; and timely and effective care.

“Wisconsin is fortunate to have some of the best hospitals in the nation, delivering high-quality health care to patients and their families every day,” said Eric Borgerding, Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) President and CEO. “Our hospitals continuously work to improve the quality of care they deliver – constantly adapting and improving outcomes along the way – which is clearly demonstrated by CMS’ latest quality ratings.”

According to CMS, 38 percent of Wisconsin hospitals received the highest-possible rating of five stars, more than twice the national average of 16 percent. This is the fourth-highest percentage of five-star rated hospitals in any state, behind Utah (56 percent), South Dakota (46 percent) and Montana (44 percent). Of the top-four states, Wisconsin has the largest number of five-star-rated hospitals – 29 – compared to 14 in Utah, seven in South Dakota and eight in Montana. In addition, 39 percent of Wisconsin hospitals received four-star ratings, compared to only 26 percent of hospitals nationally. Combined, 77 percent of Wisconsin hospitals received either four- or five-star ratings, a 15-percent increase from 2022.

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