Gov. Tony Evers signed Executive Order #211 creating the Governor’s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence to gather and analyze information and produce an advisory action plan to identify the current state of generative artificial intelligence’s (AI) impact on Wisconsin’s labor market and develop informed predictions regarding its implications for the near term and future. On October 30, 2023, the task force met on the following agenda:

  • Welcome and housekeeping, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Assistant Deputy Secretary Jenny Sereno
  • Task Force Overview
  • Agency perspectives on AI DWD – Secretary Amy Pechacek, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation CEO and Secretary Missy Hughes
  • AI Task Force Member Introductions in Brief
  • Wisconsin Labor Market Overview: Dennis Winters, DWD Chief Labor Market Economist
  • Accelerating Workforce and Business Transformation Responsibly with AI: Caroline Yap, Managing Director, Google Global AI Business
  • The Future of Work and Workforce Transformation with AI: Emily Rose McRae, Senior Director Analyst, Gartner
  • State of the States: Strategic Workforce and Policy Directions with AI: Tyler Clark, U.S. Government Affairs Industry Director, Microsoft
  • Charge of the Taskforce, timeline, subcommittees: DWD Assistant Deputy Secretary Jenny Sereno
  • Subcommittee reports
  • Agency perspectives on AI: Wisconsin Department of Administration Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld
  • Next steps, upcoming meetings, and adjournment

Click here to watch the recording.