Often described as a tireless advocate for her staff, the clients they serve and Wisconsin’s criminal justice system in general, veteran State Public Defender Kelli Thompson will speak Thursday, Sept. 28 at the annual W•O•M•E•N reception in Madison.

Thompson oversees an agency that provides legal representation to Wisconsin’s indigent in criminal cases, relying on its own staff as well as appointed private attorneys to handle a massive caseload that ranges from misdemeanors to homicides to appeals. She has announced she will step down in early October.

Attorney Thompson will talk about her tenure at the office, challenges and opportunities for professional women and more during the early evening conversation at J.H. Findorff & Son headquarters, 300 S. Bedford St. A reception will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the presentation at 6:30 p.m. Click here to register.

Over time, the annual reception has featured speakers such as Sue Marks, Eve Hall, Toni Sikes, Demetria Menard, Darcy Luoma, Dr. Susan Turney, Cindy Alvarez and a panel of women early stage investors. Tech Council President Tom Still will moderate and invite questions from the audience.

The W•O•M•E•N (Women, Opportunities, Mentors, Entrepreneurs and Networking) reception has been held in each of the last seven years. Open to attendance by men and women, the cost is $25 for Tech Council members, $10 for students and returning veterans, and $50 for general admission. Sponsors of this year’s W•O•M•E•N reception are Findorff and Promega.

“We’re excited to highlight Kelli Thompson, who has led the office since 2011 and brings a wealth of perspectives on criminal justice, public safety and health, based on her own experiences as well as those of her family,” Still said. “In these partisan times, Thompson has persuaded Republicans and Democrats alike to work together to make this a high-functioning agency in a high-pressure environment.”