It is a little less than a mile from the nearest bus stop to Scan-Pac Manufacturing in Menomonee Falls. While there may be some days where a 25-minute walk is tolerable, Leon Road, a frontage road along I-41, is not exactly designed for pedestrians, and Wisconsin winters or hot summer days only make it worse. 

For many suburban employers, transportation has often come up as a barrier in attracting workers. It also acts as a roadblock for un- and under-employed people, many of whom live on the north side of Milwaukee, in getting a job. 

Craig Armstrong, president of Scan-Pac, has personally picked up employees in Milwaukee or paid for them to use an Uber. He said Scan-Pac’s production requires a number of hourly workers, and the reality is the company is recruiting from an income bracket where transportation is often an issue. Even when employees have a car, it can still be pretty unreliable. 

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