Students in Marquette’s Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic (LEC) have successfully completed their Neighborhood Entrepreneur Project, aimed at providing free legal support to low and moderate-income microentrepreneurs in Wisconsin.

The LEC launched in 2015 and has provided free legal services to more than 300 local entrepreneurs. To complete their Neighborhood Entrepreneur Project, the LEC received a $35,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. (WEDC) last March. The project involves the launch of a website that houses important legal forms and information and a referral service to connect entrepreneurs with volunteer business attorneys outside the LEC, so there is always someone to help, depending on the level of demand.

“The law is absolutely a barrier (for small businesses) because it can be confusing and intimidating. There’s a lot of incorrect advice and poor documents online,” said Nathan Hammons, clinical associate professor and director of Marquette’s Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic.

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