Cellular Logistics has been awarded a $337,000 SBIR grant from the National Institutes of Health to further evaluate the functional immune and angiogenic (blood vessel growth) responses of the company’s Cardiac Fibroblast Matrix product, CFX™ Solus, for the treatment of early post-myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack.

“This exciting project will enhance our understanding of the cell-signaling mechanisms of how CFX™ Solus modulates the localized immune system and promotes the repair of damaged heart tissue”, says Alex Vodenlich, president, and chief executive officer.

CFX™ Solus, is a highly promising formulation of a regenerative medicine biomaterial designed to minimize injury and revitalize damaged heart tissue for patients suffering a heart attack. Suffering a heart attack can lead to a more serious condition, heart failure, which is a leading cause of death and hospitalization in the United States. Over six million Americans currently suffer from heart failure and this number is expected to exceed eight million by 2030.

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