While deciding to go public is an exciting step in your company’s evolution, it’s a complex journey that requires planning, guidance, and a well-developed process. Deloitte created IPO SelfAssess, a free online tool to help advise you on the start of your IPO journey.

The IPO SelfAssess tool is an IPO readiness tool that any company can utilize to understand a general indication of the extent of work that may be needed to be ready to undergo a public exit and operate as a public company. The IPO SelfAssess tool addresses key topics, ranging from financial reporting to investor relations. Once you have submitted your self-assessment, which should take less than 30 minutes to complete, you can expect your tailored results within two business days. This deliverable provides color on how to navigate your IPO readiness journey, such as your company’s indicative readiness score, common pitfalls, and leading practices.

Anyone interested in exploring this free, quick, and effective tool please reach out to the following Deloitte contacts who can help provide the assessment link and navigate results:

Bret Priaulx, Managing Director – bpriaulx@deloitte.com

Dan Nash, Senior Manager – danash@deloitte.com

Matt Westphal, Senior Manager – mwestphal@deloitte.com

Sam Cubinski, Manager – scubinski@deloitte.com