Wisconsin early stage companies collectively raised well over $800 million from angel and venture capitalists in 2021, shattering the state’s previous dollar record and continuing a six-year upward trend. What does the surge mean for southeast Wisconsin?

Join us Thursday, March 10, for a deeper look at deal data collected by the Wisconsin Technology Council and to hear from an investor and company executive who were part of the record-breaking year. Panelists will include Todd Sobotka, investor committee chair at BrightStar Wisconsin, and Phil Fonfara of Blue Line Battery Inc., which has operations in several Wisconsin locations.

Tech Council president Tom Still will moderate and be joined by Tech Council Investor Networks director Joe Kremer in previewing the 2022 “Wisconsin Portfolio.”

The event will take place at UWM’s Innovation Accelerator, 1225 Discovery Parkway. Registration, networking and hors d’oeuvres start at 11:30 a.m. and the presentation at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for students and returning veterans, $25 for individual members, $35 for non-members and included for Tech Council corporate members. Click here to register and read our COVID-19 policy.

“Wisconsin continues to attract more angel and venture capital, including money from outside the state, because more deals have strong technology, great leadership and reasonable valuations,” Still said. “Blue Line Battery is a good example of a company that has raised from in-state investors, such as BrightStar, Lancaster Investments and Midwest Wealth Ventures, as well as out-of-state investors.”

This luncheon is sponsored by the UW-Milwaukee and UWM Research Foundation.

The Wisconsin Technology Council is the independent, non-profit science and technology adviser to the governor and Legislature, with events, publications and outreach that contribute to Wisconsin’s tech-based economy. To join, go to www.wisconsintechnologycouncil.com or call 608-442-7557.