A multi-pronged approach to boosting health education, delivery and outcomes in northwestern Wisconsin will be outlined at a March 31 luncheon produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council with support from Momentum West.

With partners that will include the UW-Eau Claire, the Mayo Clinic Health System, nearby communities, school districts and entrepreneurs, the effort will lever a $9.4-million state grant to increase the number of nurses, nurse educators, other high-skill health workers, young teachers and a new category of “health coaches” over three years.

The competitive grant to launch the program came from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and represents the first pilot project of its kind. WiSys and the Small Business Development Center in Eau Claire are among other project partners.

The luncheon will be held at the UW-Eau Claire Davies Center, 77 Roosevelt Avenue, Dakota Room. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., lunch at noon and the presentation at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $25 for individual members, students and returning veterans, $35 for general admission and included for Tech Council corporate members. Click here to register.

Panelists from the university, Mayo and business will be announced soon.

“The program has four main goals: Addressing rural workforce shortages for nurses, teachers and social workers; developing UW-Eau Claire degree programs and career pathways in high-demand health fields; piloting technology-enabled health care hubs and “care coaches” to bridge between providers and patients; and working with entrepreneurs and local business owners as resources for innovation,” said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council.

This luncheon is sponsored by UW-Eau Claire. Momentum West is a partner in the Tech Council Innovation Network’s events in western Wisconsin. The Tech Council is the independent, non-profit science and technology adviser to the governor and Legislature, with events, publications and outreach that build Wisconsin’s tech-based economy.

To join, go to www.wisconsintechnologycouncil.com or call 608-442-7557.