Dr. Keke Chen, Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Marquette University Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, has received a $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study confidential computing solutions within scientific collaboration.

Chen’s research project, “Confidential Computing in Reproducible Collaborative Workflows,” was granted through NSF’s Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure program. NSF CICI supports research on securing scientific data, workflows and infrastructure in three focus areas: usable and collaborative security for science; reference scientific security datasets; and discovery of scientific infrastructure vulnerabilities.

“Data-intensive scientific research projects often involve multiple collaborative parties, each of which may demand confidential processing of their sensitive assets to protect intellectual property or embargoed data or algorithm sharing before publishing a paper,” Chen said. “Integrating confidential computing into reproducible scientific workflows raises significant yet not sufficiently studied challenges. This project aims to identify these unique challenges and investigate novel solutions.”

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