The UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation has launched a new program, “Panther Partnering,” to attract more research funding in the form of industry sponsorships and to boost the number of university innovations that break into the marketplace. Major elements of “Panther Partnering” will make research deals and associated intellectual property licensing more transparent, simpler and negotiation-free at fair terms.

In a nutshell, when a company is interested in conducting a research project with UW-Milwaukee faculty, it can lock in up-front specific royalty rates for a flat fee on top of the costs of the research. These rates are lower than the rates normally utilized for comparable deals for early-stage technologies. Companies with Wisconsin headquarters will be offered an up-front fee that is half of that for external companies. Any license will require that the company pays all patent costs. Royalties will only be paid to the university once the licensed product is proven to be successful, with a cumulative net sales of $20 million. More detail here:

“We feel this will be a win-win setup for both industry and UWM, making collaborations easier and faster so the teams can quickly hit the ground running rather than getting tied up with a lot of legal negotiation back-and-forth that wastes time and dampens the enthusiasm of the partnership,” said Jessica Silvaggi, vice president of the UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation. Silvaggi is a member of the Tech Council board of directors.

For more, read this news story: