The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is inviting Wisconsin companies to explore exporting opportunities during an in-person global trade venture to the United Kingdom from Oct. 29 to Nov. 5. Registration for the venture closes Aug. 26.

Stops in London and Manchester, England then Glasgow, Scotland will allow participating companies to meet one-on-one with prospective trade partners selected specifically for their business needs and goals. Participants will each receive a company-specific market intelligence report with valuable information about the British market. Also, group gatherings during the trip will allow participants to network and create business connections with one another.

The United Kingdom is Wisconsin’s sixth-largest export market — of the $61 billion in U.S. exports to the UK in 2021, $722 million came from Wisconsin. Trade opportunities are aplenty in a post-Brexit economy lacking some of the regional economic perks of the European Union. This trade venture is an excellent opportunity for Wisconsin companies, whether they’re looking to expand their presence in the UK or hoping to establish their first trade partnership overseas.

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