he Department of Workforce Development (DWD) was recently awarded $806,379 to expand Wisconsin Apprenticeship. Wisconsin was one of 45 states to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Labor’s $65 million investment in apprenticeship programs.

“Wisconsin was first in the nation to offer a registered apprenticeship program in 1911, and the program continues to be a proven workforce solution that benefits both employers and apprentices,” DWD Secretary-designee Amy Pechacek said. “This grant will bolster the program’s historic growth and help expand pathways to careers with family-sustaining wages.”

DWD’s award is part of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Apprenticeship Expansion grants. The funding will increase the DWD’s ability to strategically expand Wisconsin’s Registered Apprenticeship and Certified Pre-Apprenticeship programs and enhance the state’s connection to the national apprenticeship system.

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