Gov. Tony Evers today announced Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Karen Timberlake will leave the Evers Administration on Jan. 2, 2023.

“Karen joined our administration at a critical time during the coronavirus pandemic, bringing with her a wealth of experience and expertise. We owe her our gratitude for returning to this role during an incredibly challenging time for our state, and there’s no question that she helped us save lives,” said Gov. Evers. “Even beyond her willingness to serve, Karen is an exceptional person who I’m proud to know and have been proud to have as part of my cabinet. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have served alongside her. I want to extend my sincerest thanks to Karen for her service to our state, and I wish her and her family well in their next chapter.”

Secretary-designee Timberlake previously served as secretary of DHS under Gov. Jim Doyle during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus response and was asked to return to service by Gov. Evers following the resignation of former DHS Secretary-designee Andrea Palm, who joined the Biden Administration in 2021. Secretary-designee Timberlake joined the administration at a pivotal time in the coronavirus pandemic, as vaccines were beginning to be distributed across the state. With her help, the state of Wisconsin saw one of the most successful vaccine rollouts in the nation, and to date, more than 10.7 million doses of vaccine have been administered across the state.

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