The University of Wisconsin Agricultural Research Stations are abuzz with activity during the summer field day season. These events, free and open to the public (unless otherwise noted), offer a chance to learn about cutting-edge research and network with industry professionals.

Here’s a glimpse into some of the exciting events planned:

  • Orchard and Vineyard Walk (June 26th): Explore the latest in fruit production with UW’s fruit experts at the Peninsular station.
  • UW Potato Research Field Day (July 11th): This Hancock station event focuses on potato research, with industry networking and a delicious dinner.
  • Pasture Walk in Marathon County (July 18th): Learn innovative grazing management techniques and explore cost-share programs at the Marshfield station.
  • Rhinelander Field Day (July 31st): Get insights into potato breeding, insect control, and more at the Rhinelander station. Weather permitting, there will even be a helicopter flight demonstration!

August Offers Diverse Events:

  • Commercial Growers of Wisconsin Ornamental Field Day (August 1st): Discover the latest trends in ornamental horticulture at the West Madison station.
  • Wisconsin Turfgrass Association Summer Field Day (August 6th): Learn about lawn care, general turf management, and golf course maintenance at the Verona station.
  • Garden Open House and Tour (August 15th): Explore the beautiful gardens and ongoing research projects at Hancock station.
  • Hemp Research Field Day (August 20th): Delve into the world of hemp research, with presentations on variety trials, fiber quality, and more at the Arlington station.
  • Twilight Garden Tour (Date TBA): Enjoy a scenic evening tour of the gardens at the Spooner station.
  • UW Organic Agriculture Research Field Day (August 26th): Discover organic farming practices and climate-smart commodity opportunities at the Arlington station.
  • UW Agronomy and Soils Field Day (August 28th): Learn about the latest research in agronomy and soil science at Arlington station.

Fall Fun with Fungi!

Wrap up the season with Fungi Fest (September 27-28th) at the Kemp Natural Resources Station. This event caters to both experienced mushroom enthusiasts and curious newcomers, featuring educational talks and a guided mushroom foraging expedition.

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