Local female entrepreneurs shared their experience and expertise in a panel Thursday night.

The panel, hosted by University of Wisconsin student organization Transcend, discussed the restrictions they’ve experienced in a field lacking in women leaders.

Alexandra Suprise, technology investment associate at the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, said  representation is vital to entrepreneurship and a lack of female investors negatively impacts entrepreneurial ventures.

“One disadvantage women face is that so many investors are men. Companies that have more women-focused products or services, there’s a disconnect,” Suprise said. “In my previous company we were in fashion and … a lot of funds are run by men who just don’t understand the worlds of cosmetics and fashion as much, so they’re not as likely to invest because they don’t realize the opportunity.”

It is necessary for women to be represented in the field of entrepreneurship because they think differently and can bring a different perspective that often balances projects, Gretchen Gilbertson, CEO and co-founder of the technology company Seura, Inc., said. Read the full story here.