In 2016, basically everyone I knew was checking out those dinner-in-a-box services, like Plated, Blue Apron and HelloFresh.

Even for someone who loves to cook, the appeal is pretty obvious. Not only do they come to the door, there’s also an element of curation.

We get some, but not all, the choices: seared salmon, lemon pasta or chicken khao soi? We’re encouraged to try something we haven’t cooked with before, like hop flowers or shichimi togarashi, a Japanese spice blend.

A few years ago, Bright Cellars figured that model could work for wine. Based in Milwaukee and a product of the business accelerator gener8or, Bright Cellars has received glowing media coverage for its wine algorithm, which uses a food quiz to find wine pairings and assign personalized “Bright Points” to each one. Read the full story here.