All the news including "Tech Council News Service" and "Inside Wisconsin"

WisPolitics: HealthX Ventures, a Madison investment firm focused on health care technology, is hiring more former business operators to help evaluate potential portfolio companies

HealthX Ventures is a member of the Wisconsin Technology Council. The move comes as many venture capital firms are applying more scrutiny to the “depth of content” that forms the basis of startup companies, HealthX Ventures Principal Laura Hilty said yesterday during...

WisBusiness: Venture Investors Managing Director John Neis says high-quality startups are still raising money even in the more challenging environment — they just need to be tenacious

“When everybody is flush with cash, you may be able to call on a handful of VCs and before you know it, you have a term sheet,” he said during yesterday’s Tech Council luncheon. “At a time like this, you don’t get calls back … you need to find that perfect balance...

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