On Friday, November 18th the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unveiled the “pre-production draft” of the new national broadband map. This new map is the most detailed and current federal map of where broadband is and is not accessible throughout the country.

“As we often say, access to broadband is vital for economic success,” says MadREP President & CEO Jason M. Fields. “Our team at MadREP has spearheaded efforts to collect accurate data on underserved areas in both urban and rural communities in our Region for the last year and now is another opportunity for Wisconsinites to contribute to a broadband solution.”

“We are asking everyone in the Region to visit the new FCC map and make sure it correctly reflects the access available at your homes,” adds Gene Dalhoff, VP of Talent & Education. “If it does not, we have a brief window to challenge that finding. If areas are incorrectly finalized as having access they do not, it will jeopardize the Madison Region’s ability to access federal support for broad infrastructure.”

Click here to read the full article.