All the news including "Tech Council News Service" and "Inside Wisconsin"

WisBusiness: MCW testing treatment for hearing loss

Scientists at the Medical College of Wisconsin are testing a new therapy aimed at reversing the most common form of hearing loss. The therapy being tested is meant for patients with sensorineural hearing loss, or SNHL, which accounts for 90 percent of all hearing...

WisBusiness: Two Wisconsin investors urged entrepreneurs at the conference to be patient, avoid overly technical pitches and do their homework ahead of meeting with potential investors

Tim Keane, director of Golden Angels Investors in Milwaukee, said "everything takes longer than everybody thinks" when it comes to growing a startup company. Jenni Le, an associate with Venture Investors in Madison, said some founders can get caught up in explaining...

WisBusiness: the Podcast with Trish Lane of Foley & Lardner

This week’s episode of “WisBusiness: the Podcast” is with Trish Lane, a partner and finance attorney in Foley & Lardner’s Milwaukee office. She discusses a program that provides small business owners in Wisconsin with free consultations from volunteer attorneys...

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