All the news including "Tech Council News Service" and "Inside Wisconsin"

Milwaukee Business Journal: Jumping into EV rush

Renee Pieti pauses briefly during a tour of Rockwell Automation’s Mequon plant to exclaim how crucial the plant is to Rockwell chasing the automotive industry’s massive transformation to electric vehicles. “Because of the EV revolution, we’re seeing such high demand...

MKE Startup News: HealthLX on fire with FHIR

One of the nation’s most influential businesses in healthcare application integration protocols is headquartered in Grafton. HealthLX, founded in 2014 by CEO Will Tesch, is at the forefront of developing Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). FHIR are...

MKE Startup News: Sensia Tech supports the business of medicine

Dr. Andrew Seter launched the healthcare software company Sensia Tech in 2016- but the story of this Milwaukee-based tech startup began in 1996. Seter, a physician who specializes in Occupational Medicine, determined early in his career that traditional medicine did...

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